Sunday, March 22, 2020

#'s: 137,194,108,167,18,164,194,Lucy,70 &103

I wanted to share my pictures of the ewe's that have delivered late 
last evening and today.
I've been going a little crazy today and missed taking 
a few pictures...sorry about that.
It's been a heck of a day....

So first off I missed getting #137 Marni's pic.
I also missed #194 Gretel's pic.
These girls delivered late last night.


When I went out a little late, 8am #108 (Dave's ewe)
had delivered a katmoget ram lamb at some time during the 
night. He was completely dry and had nursed.
But I think she squished him and he died.  :(
It was cold last night, many of the ewes dig little holes and 
lay down in them.  The manure pack holds heat and
they want to stay warm.  Well the little guy was in 
the hole and I think she just laid on him. sad.

 Above, #167 was bred to the border cheviot/shetland and delivered 
this singe ram lamb.
 #18, Dave's ewe was bred to Bian and delivered this single ram lamb.
 #164 Remy was bred to Gordon and delivered twins; black ewe and spotted ram.
The above three were all waiting for me or had just delivered
this morning.

The ewe below was standing off in the corner with tail raised 
and was shaking, I think it was shock.
While I fed everyone I was trying to make the decision as to 
whether I call the vet for a C-section or wait till Monday and 
see what happens.

I didn't want to wait, this ewe was big and had looked like she should
have delivered a few days ago.

I called the vet office. 
 We ended up having the C-section done and glad we did.
Her uterus was twisted, twice and she also had 
some tares.
She is doing great so far and caring for her lambs, a ram and ewe.
#103 Olympia was bred to Gordon.

We got back home about 12:30 and walked into three more 
ewes all showing their water bags and ready to deliver lambs.
 Lucy was bred to Gordon and delivered this ram lamb 
with the cape flecket pattern.
 #70 Laurel was bred to Bian and delivered this single ewe lamb.
 #195 Ginnie was bred to Bian and delivered this moorit ram lamb.

This has been a full day and I don't know that we are done yet.
I think we have possibly 13 more to go.

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