Thursday, March 1, 2018

March duties ...pre shearing

We made it to March....yeah!!
I have been very busy and recently made a list of all the duties
that must be done in this month of March and WoW! 
My list is bigger that I first thought.
So this evening I have finished one thing on my list which was to 
get all the girls (my ewes) hooves trimmed.
But you know it is difficult to do when you see these lovely faces
that want to be right in my face while I'm trying to trim hooves. 
I have several that just want your attention and don't care that they
are in your way.  Although when you do want to cuddle with
them they are always ready.
So back to trimming hooves....I have completed the ewe flock,
40 ewes at this time. I still have the rams to do.  I hope to get 
them done this weekend, along with CDT shots for everyone!
We have had mild weather...finally, although a little wet,
which is actually good when you have hooves to trim.
The wet ground keeps the hooves soft which then makes
trimming much easier.
As you can see if you look closely...we are getting close to lambing.
We will be shearing the flock next week, March 9th.
Once sheared it will be much easier to see and monitor
each ewe as she gets closer to her delivery date.
If you are local and looking for fresh fleeces drop me an email.
We have a variety and hope to begin skirting them ASAP
(this is on my list of things to do).  I plan to take approximately
15 fleeces to the Great Lakes Fiber Show 
I will also prepare a large amount to be made into combed top.

We have about 27 to 29 ewes that are bred, so this means alot of lambs.
This year I bred 18 ewes to my border cheviot ram, I do not plan
to keep any of these lambs and the rest have been bred 
to the shetland rams. 

Lambs will not be available for sale until approximately June,
depending on birth date and whether they are weaned and ready to go. 


  1. You must have a back made of steel to do 160 feet!!!

  2. Michelle, I've done them all over the course of a week, about 10 a day, no more cuz the sciatic nerve down the back of my leg tells me to STOP.
