Monday, March 15, 2021

#1608 Tessa, #1511 Lydia & #192 Thea

 We have been going like gang busters with lambs.

I think we have 23 ewes yet to deliver...I have to double check on one of these, she may not be bred.

Our expected last day for lambing is March 25th, so we should be busy for the next week and a half.

Early this morning Tessa delivered twins, ram and ewe.  She was bred to Shamus.

Tessa and Shamus are both spotted shetlands

Both lambs are moorit and white.  The marking are interesting.

#1511 Lydia also spotted was bred to Shamus to.

Having twins, a ram and ewe, these are also moorit and white.

Notice the same marking across the rump on the lamb above and below??

I find this interesting, I don't know if this is a pattern in the breed or not.  It doesn't match anything that is shown on the breed associations poster for possible patterns.

#192 Thea (who is also Tessa's daughter) who is a solid black ewe was bred to Moogega, my ram lamb that is black and white, spotted.  He is just considered "flecket", but his black markings are only on his withers (shoulders) and forward.

Thea, delivered this single ewe lamb today.

She also has interesting markings, around the rump also.

That's it for today, hoping we have a few more tomorrow.


  1. What a group of fancy babies! Love that last one especially! Hoping I get some black and spots from my new ram.

  2. Thank you Michelle,
    This have been three years in the making to get these "fixed" spots. We've been so busy between day job and lambing I'll have to do another group post of lamb pics.
