Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Two more ewe lambs available

 I've found a bit of time to add two more ewe lambs that are looking for new homes.

Links to these and more are listed on the NASSA Sales Site.

Ewe Lamb #276, grey Katmoget.

Very friendly ewe

She has a superfine fleece with nice length and density.

Ewe Lamb #301

This is a spotted katmoget, moorit and white.

Although the moorit is fading as the fleece grows out, but I believe the fleece color will be more of a natural color where the spots were.

Her stature will be of a small shetland with very fine bone.

   Her fleece type is more primitive, wavy.  Below pic. shows a side view.


  1. The grey kat is very nice! Someday I'd like to get another nice kat; my only one is 11 years old now and I didn't keep a kat offspring of hers.

  2. Thank you Michelle, We do have quite a few Kat's now, it seems like once you have one, the population can explode with Kat's. Make your next ram a Kat. and you will have many too!
