Wednesday, March 18, 2020

#113 Olivia and two guest ewes: #1805 & # 1547

What a day today.
It started out with new lambs and a stealer this morning.
Ok, I know this is a really bad photo...I cannot figure out how to 
get the flash to work on my phone.
This is one of my guest ewes (Dave's ewe). She was 
bred to my black ram Bian.  She delivered twin ewe lambs.
One moorit (you can see her lamb tag shining) and 
one black with a small white spot on her forehead.

This ewe delivered this morning.  One of her lambs was stolen by the next ewe
who delivered her own lambs by the time I came home this afternoon.
 This is another guest ewe (Dave's) #1547 Bred to Gordon
Both are spotted ewe lambs.
 Below, #113 Olivia also delivered twins this afternoon.
Olivia was bred to Black Pearl.
The black is a ram, the moorit a ewe, I think this moorit ewe lamb
is going to go light.  Maybe mioget, like mom. 
That would be wonderful.

We have 10 ewes that have delivered with many more to go.
I think I will be exhausted before we are done.


  1. Well, Dave sure got lucky with two pairs of EWE lambs!

  2. Yes he did...and he was trying to downsize. Ha!
