Saturday, August 3, 2019

a feel of late summer in the air

You just get a feeling for some summer weather...then 
August comes in and yes it's still summer, but you get that
feeling of fall in the air.

I noticed this past week as I went out to the barn at 6am that the sun is 
rising later and there has been a crispness of cool air in the morning.
 This has caused a disturbance with these seasonal breeders.
 The ewes have begun small skirmishes among themselves, pushing
shoving and headbutting.
I am really not ready for another breeding season yet, but they are
telling me otherwise.

So this morning I made a list and did get some pictures of some ewes and rams
that I would like to move on.

First, Two Rams;

 This is a very nice white ram, he is registered
you can view his registration papers here.
He has been tested for scrapie resistance, he is RR.
Fergus is available for $350
 Fergus is a polled ram.

 Fergus's fleece is very fine also.
He fleece is white but he does have some black skin spots on his ears.

If interested contact me directly through email.

Ram #199:
 This was a ram lamb that I kept back from last years lambing.
I kept him because he has a nice fleece and he is polled.
He is a moorit katmoget.  His has not been registered yet but
he can be registered.  His Sire is Fergus, who is listed above
and Autum
 This guy has a nice wooly poll.
 A nice typey tail.
 He is a brown based ram, so yes moorit, but his fleece is very
light in color.
 Nice clean fleecce!

Some of the ewes I have for sale;

 This is not a complete list of ewes, these are just some 
that I was able to snap a quick photo of.
Inquire if you are looking for sheep, rams or ewes.
 Above #167 a musket ewe with a longer fleece staple
more of a wavy fleece type.
 #168 Moorit ewe (in the front of this pic.)
Nice ewe, nice staple length on her fleece, crimpy.
 #51 Audrey, moorit (brown) based ewe.  She has
some spotting as shown on her face, legs and tail.
Nice staple length on fleece. Mid-micron on fleece.
 #107 black katmoget ewe. She has that very distinct
black and grey marking.  She have a very pretty silver face.
She is also a very friendly ewe and has a nice light grey fleece.
A white ewe with the coat on has a very nice white fleece, 
longer staple length, mid-micron and is a very friendly ewe.
#173 - Moorit Katmoget ewe, has a very fine fleece.
These are both 2 year old ewes and can be registered.

Ewe lamb born this spring, very fine fleece.
Her Dam is above ewe # 173 -Moorit katmoget.

Email if interested or have any questions.