Above, Andrea. First time mom delivered this very fine wooled ewe lamb and white to boot.
One of my goals has been to produce some fine "white" wooled shetlands and
I think this year I have met my goal. So excited to have several white ewes
to add to the flock and several white rams to watch grow and determine if
they are have the qualities I want to keep in my ram flock.
Above, Esther. She has been consistent with having tripletts each year.
I happened to be up at 2am so I decided to go out and check on her
as I knew she was about ready to deliver her babies...by the way she
was acting yesterday, oh...yeah, she was the lamb snatcher yesterday.
She delivered 2 ewes and 1 ram. Esther was bred to a new
ram that I got this past summer, a Border Cheviot.
He is not much bigger that my adult rams, he has a longer loin and
carries a little more muscle, yet has a small head and narrow in the
front shoulders, this is normal for this breed and actually makes
for a great crossbreeding with the shetlands.
In this photo it is really hard to see the difference between these lambs
and the shetlands. But the Cheviot breed has very distinctive erect ears which
are not easily seen in this photo. I have three more ewes bred to the Border
Cheviot that should be delivering soon, so I will try for better pics.
We have approximately 11 more ewes to lamb.
Approximate because I have a couple that I question being bred due to using
another ram lamb.
Time will tell...