These our the first of more ram lambs that I need to post for sale. The two in the back are siblings, back left #94 (lamb tag) scurred katmoget, light fawn in color, very nice fleece. Back right #94 horned katmoget, horns are yet to be determined on this guy, but a fine fleece he is. In the front lamb tag # 113, fleece is a little darker in coloration that the other two, he is scurred.
Lamb # 94, born March 21, 2014. When I look over all of the ram lambs that I have available, my eye keeps coming back to this guy. He is scurred, has a very light colored face and a soft fleece, very type tail and a wooly patch on his forehead. This lamb is weaned and ready to go!!
His Dam is Whistlestop 1113
His Sire is Sheltering Pines Grand Luxe
#94 Typey tail.
#94 This is a fine typey ram that would help develope anyones fleeces into finer, softer spun yarns.
Dams Micron: Mic.Ave 25.8, SD 3.5, CV13.6, CEM 6.0, CF 92.0
Sires Micron: Misc Ave 24.9, SD 6.2, CV16.3, CEM 7.1, CF 92.4
This is Lamb tag # 95, twin to the above ram, born March 21, 2014 he also have a very nice fleece, very clearly marked pattern and a wool patch on his forehead. See details above regarding Dam and Sire. This ram has a darker katmoget pattern, he has full horns, at this time we will still need to keep watching the horns to know if they will be 'good'.
This is Lamb tag # 113 Katmoget ram lamb slightly darker in fleece than the two above. He has scurs and a nice little patch of wool on his forehead. He was born April 6, 2014 he also have a very nice fleece.
He is weaned and ready to go.
His Dam is Autum:
His Sire is Shelterpine Grand Luxe
Dam Micron: Autum: Mic ave 27.1, SD 5.2, CV 19.3, CEM 9.0 CF 74.5
Sire Micron: Grand Luxe Mic ave 24.9, SD 4.1, CV 16.3, CEM 7.1 CF 92.4
This is all for today, I have more to post, stop back and look for updates.
You can also view my March & April posts to see most of the lambs as they were born. I do have two spotted ram lambs that can be seen in previous posts and will be added to this list soon.
Thanks for looking!
If interested contact by number given in Ad or link to me through the email address above.