We have paired him up with Sparkle (moorit), an English Leister and Constance (mioget).
I'm happy with his horns, they are wide and clearing his head. He has a really good temperment too.
Mercury W00735 on the left, is owned by Dave Lewis of Wee Middlebranch Farm. We are sharing our rams with both of our flocks. This works out well as Dave is lamb sitting my little girls for the next 35 days at his place, while I have all the adults over to my place to visit with the rams.
Mercury is polled, he has scurs, next is Autum (moorit) then Cosmos (blk & wht) and Fiona (light moorit). Two other girls were not being photogenic this afternoon, Claire (grey) & Lialac (grey/white).
My computer is not cooperating to load the rest of my pics. I will need to try tomorrow.